Vigil - an AR project

Note: this is an ongoing project blog. All updates will appear here in chronological order, so start at the top.

An augmented reality project recreating a vigil site in Brighton following the murder of Sarah Everard. 3D manipulated photography, audio and video content will be used to conjure up the space exactly where the original vigil site existed, ensuring the message is not forgotten.

The Background

I can’t even say where this idea came from, apart from the fact that I walk past a particular tree every day, which always reminds me of the vigil for Sarah Everard, in March 2021.

At the time I took a lot of pictures of the flowers as they started to face as they looked so beautiful.

Over a year later I happened to attend an Immersion Day at the Fusebox in Brighton, where I was reminded just how cool AR (Augmented reality) is.

I was particularly interested in the way photos could be turned into 3D experiences.

Could I use my photos to recreate that vigil site?

Research (tools)

I immediately ran home and searched, as I usually do, for a no-code tool for making AR projects.

As an Adobe user I had access to Adobe Aero, their mobile and desktop (beta) AR tool.

I gather Unity is the usual go-to for coders but hands up - I’m not a coder. I’ve managed this far and I’m not planning on changing now. So, when I start a new project, or get a new passion, I start with looking for any available no-code AR tools.

Adobe Aero

I already have an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription and Adobe Aero is available as part of that.

Adobe Aero is mobile, tablet and desktop (in beta), and essentially allows you to create AR projects.

Launched in 2019 (Wikipedia), it’s primarily a mobile app, the desktop version is still in beta, but definitely one to watch.

The Pros

  • no-code

  • no additional costs

  • intuitive and really easy to use

  • export .real format for collaboration within Aero

The Cons

  • need Adobe Aero free app to view projects

  • No ability to export a non-Adobe file (e.g. .ar or .usdz) yet (message board).

  • Nervous as Adobe have form for removing tools

More tools will appear here once I find them.

Project Description

Now, I need some structure or this would never happen. So after discovering Aero I knew this was at least possible, so I switched to writing a description of the project, to keep me on track.

An augmented reality project recreating a vigil site in Brighton following the murder of Sarah Everard. 3D manipulated photography, audio and video content will be used to conjure up the space exactly where the original vigil site existed, ensuring the message is not forgotten.

In March 2021 vigil sites appeared across the UK in response to the rape and murder of Sarah Everard. In Brighton, a giant elm tree was laden with flowers and signs, and and for several nights women met there to hold space - sharing anger and love.

Over time the flowers faded, and disappeared, but the message must not be forgotten.

This project will use recreate that site in an augmented reality space - visitors will use their mobile devices to see those flowers, messages and read more. In addition - we’ll capture more voices, more stories and more experiences through audio, video and the written word.


Infographics, now with text and audio


Shut up and listen