The Power of Scrollytelling: bringing content to life

Scrollys are an extraordinary way to craft stories, mashing-up text, imagery, graphics, and animations into one narrative. This immersive experience turns readers into active participants, pulling them deeply into the story.

Are you a museum curator wanting to spice up your exhibits? A journalist with a killer story, but an underwhelming outlet? A PR professional looking for a fresh approach to your releases? A publisher curious about new storytelling techniques? Or an artist looking for a unique way to present your work?

We can do this …. with scrollytelling.

For Museum Curators

Interactive Exhibits - Let’s give those static displays a bit of va-va-voom creating dynamic experiences with animations and interactive elements, making history even more exciting.

Virtual Tours - How about immersive online tours, let your audience explore exhibits from anywhere, offering a rich, engaging experience.

Educational Storytelling - Let’s inject some life into historical events and artifacts in a way that captivates visitors of all ages with interactive stories.

For Journalists

Feature Stories - I can enhance your long-form journalism by integrating videos, infographics, and interactive maps, making your stories more engaging and impactful.

Experience journalism - Using scrollable pages and moving elements, we can trigger an emotional reaction from the reader … creating a sense of tension, fear, relaxation, confusion and understanding.

For PR Professionals

Press Releases - Interactive press releases that capture attention and stand out in the crowded media landscape. Let’s play with the format here!

Brand Stories - Together, we can create compelling brand narratives that blend visuals, testimonials, and interactive content to truly resonate with your audience.

For Publishers

Children’s Books - Let’s engage young readers with animated stories and interactive elements, fostering a love for reading.

Educational Material - Together, we can develop rich, multimedia content that enhances learning and retention, making educational material more effective and enjoyable.

For Artists

Portfolio Presentations - I can help you showcase your work in a dynamic, interactive format that highlights your creativity and artistic vision.

Interactive artist statements - We can combine text and moving image to bring your artists statement to life … telling AND showing your thoughts and intentions.

Exhibition Previews - Let’s create engaging, multimedia previews of your upcoming exhibitions to attract and excite potential visitors.

Storytelling Art - Let’s add deeper narrative depth to your visual art, creating a more immersive and captivating experience for your audience.

For researchers

Immersive abstracts -using scrollytelling to tease your readers to find out more, with click through links and even interactive games!

Interactive reports and papers - allowing your readers to explore your research., alongside visual assets at their own pace.

Presentation tools - a scrollable presentation for you to deliver, and share with your audience after the event.

I would love to chat about how scrollytelling can elevate your projects. Intrigued?


The Story of Sarga: an epic journey of scrollytelling proportions